Castello Visconteo di Vogogna
Via Castello
28805 Vogogna (VB)
View on MapMunicipality: Vogogna
The Castle of Vogogna was built in a higher place than the village, and with its semicircular tower it overlooks the whole village.
This fortress was likely commissioned by Giovanni Visconti, who widened the castle in 1348 by adding other parts to the already existing structure.
The castle was conceived to be a military district for the defense of the whole valley and of Vogogna in particular. In 1328 the small village became indeed the capital city of the Lower Ossola Region, which was in contrast to Domodossola, namely the capital city of the Upper Ossola Region.
In 1970 it was closed to the public after the renovation works started in 1990, and it was reopened in 1998. From 1998 to 2004 the inside structure was completed with the new facilities inaugurated on 4th June, 2005.
The castle houses a permanent exhibition entitled "Il soldatino di piombo. Figurini storici dal secolo V al secolo XXI" (meaning "Tin soldier. Historic models from 5th to 21st century"), temporary exhibitions and didactic proposals as well.
Opening times: The Castle hosts on two floors the permanent exhibition "Tempo di lupo. La storia di un ritorno".
In the Castle you could also discover a suggestive corner of the Middle Ages through "Armi, usi e costumi dell'epoca medievale" by ACOI Associazione Culturale Ossola Inferiore.
Opening hours:
- until September 13th: every day, 10.00 - 18.00
- on Fridays, 20.30 - 23.00
- from September 19th to January 6th, 2021 on Saturdays, Sundays, holidays and long weekends, 10.00 - 17.00
On request outside the opening hours.
For further information: ph.: + 39 351 7578688 - E-mail: - website:
Entrance fee: 4,00 Euros - reduced ticket 3,00 Euros (Children under 10, Groups, Soldiers, Touring club members, FAI) - School groups 2,00 Euros - free for residents

Vogogna Castle
(photo by: Giancarlo Parazzoli)