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I Taccuini del Parco - La civiltà della fatica

Guidebook: Cicogna - Alpe Prà Nature Trail

The pocket guidebook, printed on ecological recycled paper and enriched with several photographs, is divided in two sections: the first one, to read calmly at home ("Da leggere tranquillamente a casa"), containing general information on the features of the itinerary; the second, stop and observe ("Fermandosi ad osservare"), describes some elements that can be found along the way (votive chapels, rock engravings, particular plants...), taking them as starting point to talk about the life in these mountains.
  • Pages: 64
  • Size: 11.5x16.5cm
  • Year: 1999
  • Price: 3.00 €  
Item temporarily sold out at Emporio dei Parchi
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