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Val Grande - immagini, luoghi e momenti di un Parco per


It is not a novel nor an essay. It is a story about someone's life told according two guiding elements: the Parco Nazionale della Val Grande, which is the biggest wilderness area in Europe, and the passion for nature photography (wilderness photo). For someone who has lived in the city until the age of 60, those places and photography have represented a "file rouge" connecting every single moments in his spare time. But Val Grande has been more than that, its wilderness and plainness helped to understand and to get through the difficult moments that life brings to all of us. All the considerations arisen during the visits to particular places in Val Grande are presented in this story along with many pictures of the Valley, of its animals and seasons. 
  • Author/s: Raffaele Marini Rafi (
  • Pages: 55
  • Price: 5.99 €  
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