Messaggi sulla pietra
Censimento e studio delle incisioni rupestri del Parco Nazionale Val Grande
Due to the growing interest in the cave paintings which were found all over the Alps in the last century, in the Val Grande territory the first examples of this very ancient art were found in the first half of the 1980s, such as the cup marked rock in the Prà Alp, and the rock marked with cups, tree-shaped engravings and other signs in the Sassoledo Alp. From that moment on, more and more marked rocks have been found, mostly with finds belonging to the category of the engravings having a symbolic value: cups, cross-shaped, tree-shaped symbols and other signs which are very difficult to understand and to date.
- Series: Documenta
- Edited by: Fabio Copiatti, Elena Poletti Ecclesia
- Publisher: Parco Nazionale Val Grande
- Pages: 240
- Size: 22x25,5 cm
- Year: 2014
- Price: 14.00 €
Notes: Texts by Paolo Crosa Lenz, Francesca Garanzini, Francesco Rubat Borel, Elena Clerici, Fabio Copiatti, Elena Poletti.
Introduction by Ausilio Priuli and conclusions by Tullio Bagnati.
Item temporarily sold out at Emporio dei Parchi